Richest and Poorest Countries in the World Online Quiz Mcqs Test

Here we have a online quiz about the Richest and Poorest countries of the world. As questions related to this topic are often part of various general knowledge related exams, so having a pretty good amount  of information about them is extremely necessary and now you can prepare for them with ease by simply attempting this quiz.

Richest and Poorest Countries in the World Online Quiz Mcqs Test

General Knowledge

1. Which one of these is the third richest country in the world?

Question 1 of 14

2. Which one of these is not among the top ten richest countries in the world?

Question 2 of 14

3. Which one of these is not among the top ten poorest countries in the world?

Question 3 of 14

4. Which one of these is the third poorest country in the world?

Question 4 of 14

5. United States is the world's __________ richest country?

Question 5 of 14

6. Luxembourg is one of the ____________ countries in the world.

Question 6 of 14

7. Canada holds _________ position among the top ten richest countries in the world.

Question 7 of 14

8. Which one of the following is the richest country in the world based on Gross Domestic Product Per Capita?

Question 8 of 14

9. Liberia holds _________ position among the top ten poorest countries in the world.

Question 9 of 14

10. Which one of the following is the poorest country in the world based on Gross Domestic Product Per Capita?

Question 10 of 14

11. Which one of the following is the second poorest country in the world based on Gross Domestic Product Per Capital?

Question 11 of 14

12. San Marino is one of the _____________ countries in the world.

Question 12 of 14

13. Afghanistan is the world's __________ poorest country.

Question 13 of 14

14. Madagascar is one of the top ten ____________ countries in the world.

Question 14 of 14


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Maan Ali

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  1. Please Update Richest and Poorest countries in the world.
    most of the questions and options in this section are wrong.

  2. This research group has also developed a series of virtual atlases using flow lines and multidimensional scaling to visualize global city networks (see Figure 8.3 ). These visualizations demonstrate how fast Internet connectivity for some people and places changes their possibilities for engaging globalization processes, with different implications for places that remain relatively disconnected. The digital divide in Internet connectivity could influence the ways in which places are understood in the future, as volunteer geographical information becomes increasingly central to the collection of georeferenced data about our world. Those cities and countries that are relatively underresourced in technologies, relevant education, and Internet connectivity will be poorly represented in terms of data accuracy or the range of information available (elaborated further in Chapter 11 of this report). In the future, teams of researchers could use geovisualizations to model uncertainty in inequality patterns that may result from distinct scenarios of globalization. By representing the possible impacts of global connectivity and isolation, they could inform policy decisions about the implications of connectivity and isolation for access to key resources (land, water, energy, etc.), engagement with the global economy, and environmental alteration at the subnational level (Smith, 1987; Murray, 2006; Moseley and Gray, 2008).

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