Non Verbal Test Online Aptitude Missing Pattern Quiz 2

This Non-Verbal Test Online Aptitude Missing Pattern Quiz 2 is designed to evaluate your skills in non-verbal reasoning and pattern recognition. In this quiz, you will be presented with a series of shapes, figures, or patterns, with one element missing. Your task is identifying the missing element based on the given pattern or sequence. By participating in this quiz, you can enhance your visual perception, logical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

Test Details

Test Name: Aptitude Missing Pattern Quiz 2

Test For: All Candidates aspiring to join the Army, Navy, PAF, or ISSB Armed Forces.

Take the quizzes to enhance your preparation. Attempt multiple-choice questions with picture choices to assess your readiness for the Armed Forces Test. We recommend taking each test two or three times for better understanding. Our tests include essential intelligence pictures for non-verbal test preparation, with various questions and answers to help you improve your skills online for free. Access and learn easily at

Test Helpful For: For all candidates aiming to join the Armed Forces as their careers, including the Pakistan Army, Pak Navy, PAF, and ISSB. These Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests are compulsory to evaluate candidates’ mental aptitude and decision-making abilities. They are also beneficial for other job intelligence tests.

These Tests are Useful For:

  • Pakistan Army Test
  • Pakistan Navy Test
  • Pakistan Air Force Test
  • ISSB (Initial and Final Test)
  • Other job intelligence test

Exam for the mentioned Jobs: Candidates who want to appear in any of the above Tests can now prepare for their Exam here with this Online Testing system for real-time preparation and check their Preparation level by our result score.

Non-Verbal Test Online Missing Pattern Quiz 2 With Answers

Click Below the Start Button to Start the Online Test Non-Verbal Missing Pattern Quiz 2

Non Verbal

1. Out of the given options, select the correct pattern which complete the figure when placed in the missing portion.
Pic 6

Question 1 of 7

2. Out of the given options, select the correct pattern which complete the figure when placed in the missing portion.
Pic 1

Question 2 of 7

3. Out of the given options, select the correct pattern which complete the figure when placed in the missing portion.
Pic 4

Question 3 of 7

4. Out of the given options, select the correct pattern which complete the figure when placed in the missing portion.
Pic 5

Question 4 of 7

5. Out of the given options, select the correct pattern which complete the figure when placed in the missing portion.
Pic 2

Question 5 of 7

6. Out of the given options, select the correct pattern which complete the figure when placed in the missing portion.
Pic 3

Question 6 of 7

7. Out of the given options, select the correct pattern which complete the figure when placed in the missing portion.
Pic 7

Question 7 of 7


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This quiz will challenge your ability to identify and predict patterns, making it an excellent exercise for improving your non-verbal intelligence. Get ready to test your skills and enjoy the stimulating challenge of the Non-Verbal Test Online Missing Pattern Quiz 2!

You Can Learn and Gain more Knowledge through our Online Quiz and Testing system Just Search your desired Preparation subject at Gotest.

Umaima Harmain Rao

Hello! I'm Umaima Harmain Rao, your guide to conquering exams with confidence. As an exam prep enthusiast, I'm here to share valuable tips, study strategies, and resources that make the journey to success both effective and enjoyable. Let's navigate the world of exams together and turn challenges into triumphs!"

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  1. Hey admin Q 3 ans is B and it is showing D… I know there is tick on B.. But there should not any tick so we can solve it… our brain sees the tick and not work that way

    1. Dear sir. Plz tell me. I prepared pak navy test. From this website. Yaha se tyari karsakte hi ke nhi. Is website ke zariye

    1. Yes bro it’s right coz see this figure deeply amswer is (B) but they give the answer of this Question is (A)…

      1. plz contact me,,,,,,,,,,,,,8 june ko mera test hay ap say Information(Help)leni hay……………..

    1. sania plz contact me,,,,,,,,,,,,,8 june ko mera test hay ap say Information(Help)leni hay………………

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