Intelligence Test Online 1 Commonsense Questions with Answers

Here you will find the answers to the “Intelligence Test Online 1 Commonsense.” On this website, we provide a free online intelligence test to help our readers be ready for a wide variety of standardized tests. Written examinations frequently include questions on this topic, therefore studying for them is crucial. Now that you have access to our website, you can easily begin the process of preparation. You may improve your ability to apply common sense to solve problems by using this online tool, making it easier to pass intelligence tests.

Intelligence Test Online Preparation

When it comes to online training for intelligence tests, we have a wide range of materials to help you improve your brainpower. This tool is made to help you get better at handling problems and thinking critically. We help you improve the mental skills needed for intelligence tests by giving you practice questions, study tools, and advice. Whether you’re taking a test for school or for a job, our easy-to-use method will make sure you’re ready to take on the tasks these tests pose.

Intelligence Test Online 1 Commonsense Questions with Answers

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1. A child learning alphabet (English) can draw only straight lines. How many capital letters can he write?

Question 1 of 10

2. Suppose an air-conditioned tunnel during is dug through the earth. Its one end is in Pakistan and the other is in Brazil. It passes through the center of gravity. A piece of stone is dropped into it. What will happen to the stone?

Question 2 of 10

3. The student of the same I.Q., age, educational qualification start pronouncing all the letters of the alphabet---- one from A to Z and the other from Z to A. Who will finish the count first?

Question 3 of 10

4. If a cricket match starts at 10.00 A.M. in England, at what time can we hear in commentary on the wireless in Pakistan?

Question 4 of 10

5. A boy and three girls do as many sums in 5 minutes as 3 boys and 5 girls do in 4 minutes. Who works faster?

Question 5 of 10

6. A counts the letter in the alphabet, leaving out vowels. B counts the letters leaving out the 5th letter every time. Whose count is more?

Question 6 of 10

7. The numbers of letter in English alphabet is 26. If the number of consonants were equal to the number of vowels and the number of vowels were equal to the number of consonants. What will be the total number in that case?

Question 7 of 10

8. An electric train is running from East to West. It is wind day. The wind is blowing from West to East. In which direction will the smoke go?

Question 8 of 10

9. There are two camels ---- one facing the East and the other facing the West. A truss of hay is placed between them. Can they eat grass without moving their legs?

Question 9 of 10

10. A clock seen through a mirror reads a quarter to nine. What is the actual time?

Question 10 of 10


Common Sense IQ Test

What makes sense The IQ test measures how good you are at making decisions in the real world. Applying practical information to everyday scenarios is an important part of having common sense and making good choices. This test looks at how well you can think logically, solve problems, and handle real-life situations. By taking this kind of IQ test, you improve your ability to think clearly and make good decisions in different conditions.

Online MCQs Test of Intelligence

Our online multiple-choice questions (MCQs) test is an active way to improve your skills related to intelligence. These MCQs cover a wide range of topics, such as rational thinking, recognizing patterns, and solving problems. Because the test is live, you learn by doing, and you can practice important intelligence skills in an organized way. You can learn more about how to solve problems by getting immediate comments and reasons for each answer. By using our online MCQs test regularly, you can improve your thinking skills and get ready to do well on intelligence tests.

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Maan Ali

Hey there! I'm Maan Ali, your online test prep pal. Join me in the adventure of acing exams with ease. I'll share tricks, practice tests, and all you need to rock your studies. Let's make learning fun and success a sure thing!

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