Intelligence Test Online 1 Suffixes Questions with Answers

What Suffixes are and its Importance

Welcome to the online intelligence test! This webpage is designed to provide you with a series of challenging suffixes questions to assess and enhance your cognitive abilities. This “Intelligence Test Online 1 Suffixes Questions with Answers” quiz aims to help individuals prepare for written exams related to intelligence, from ISSB, Army, Navy, and Air Force. The quiz enables visitors to prepare for exams quickly and effortlessly. Suffixes are word elements added to the end of a base word to modify its meaning. By engaging in this test, you will have the opportunity to sharpen your analytical skills, expand your vocabulary, and improve your problem-solving abilities. Prepare yourself for an exciting journey through a variety of suffix questions and discover how well you can decipher the meanings of words.

Intelligent test suffixes

Intelligence Tests

Intelligence tests are designed to evaluate an individual’s cognitive abilities, such as their problem-solving, critical thinking, and logical reasoning skills. These tests are highly valuable as they provide in-depth insights into a person’s intellectual potential, which can be used to inform important decisions related to education and career. By identifying an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, intelligence tests enable the development of targeted interventions and personalized learning strategies, thereby maximizing their potential for success.

What are Suffixes?

Suffixes are a type of affix that can be added to the end of a base word to modify its meaning or grammatical function. By attaching a suffix to a word, it is possible to change its tense, number, or part of speech. For instance, the suffix “-s” is used to indicate plural nouns, while “-ed” denotes the past tense of a verb, and “-ing” creates a present participle. Having a solid grasp of suffixes is essential for understanding and constructing complex words, increasing reading comprehension, and expanding one’s vocabulary.

Intelligence Test Online 1 Suffixes Questions

Intelligence Test Online 1 Suffixes Questions with Answers

The intelligence test available online is designed to assess your understanding of suffixes and their meanings. The test comprises a series of multiple-choice questions, which require you to analyze a given base word and choose the most suitable suffix and its meaning from the options provided. To excel in the test, you need to have a good grasp of suffix usage and their corresponding meanings. So, take your time to read and understand the questions before providing your answers.

How to Approach the Suffixes Questions:

It’s important to understand the meaning and function of the suffix in order to identify the correct answer.

  • Analyze the base word: Understand its meaning and any contextual cues provided.
    Consider word structure: Identify the suffix and determine its role in altering the word’s meaning or function.
  • Evaluate options: Compare the provided suffix options and select the one that best matches the intended meaning or grammatical function.

Intelligence Test Online 1 Suffixes Questions with Answers

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1. Insert the word(s) that can be suffixed to the given word to form the new meaningful words:

TH __
L __
ST __
M __

Question 1 of 10

2. Insert the word(s) that can be suffixed to the given word to form the new meaningful words:

ST __
C __
D __
M __

Question 2 of 10

3. Insert the word(s) that can be suffixed to the given word to form the new meaningful words:

SCR __
R __
DR __
G __


Question 3 of 10

4. Insert the word(s) that can be suffixed to the given word to form the new meaningful words:

GS __
T __
T __
D __

Question 4 of 10

5. Insert the word(s) that can be suffixed to the given word to form the new meaningful words:

ST __
BR __
S __
L __

Question 5 of 10

6. Insert the word(s) that can be suffixed to the given word to form the new meaningful words:

B __
T __
R __
P __

Question 6 of 10

7. Insert the word(s) that can be suffixed to the given word to form the new meaningful words:

L __
B __
S __
ST __

Question 7 of 10

8. Insert the word(s) that can be suffixed to the given word to form the new meaningful words:

R __
J __
F __
M __

Question 8 of 10

9. Insert the word(s) that can be suffixed to the given word to form the new meaningful words:

H __
B __
P __
W __

Question 9 of 10

10. Insert the word(s) that can be suffixed to the given word to form the new meaningful words:

T __
N __
H __
CL __

Question 10 of 10


Overview of Intelligence Test Online 1 Suffixes

The Intelligence Test Online 1 Suffixes Questions is a specially curated quiz that presents a series of questions related to suffixes. Participants will encounter various words and phrases and are required to identify the correct suffix that can be added to complete the word or modify its meaning. This test aims to assess linguistic skills, vocabulary, and the ability to recognize and apply suffixes effectively.

The online intelligence test focusing on suffixes offers an exciting opportunity to challenge your cognitive abilities and expand your linguistic skills. By engaging in this test, you will enhance your problem-solving capabilities, refine vocabulary knowledge, and develop a deeper understanding of suffix meanings. Join us on this journey of education and success. This test is for educational and self-assessment purposes. Keep visiting for more tests like this on our site. Happy Learning!

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Umaima Harmain Rao

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