PU NTS Entry Test 2025 Preparations for BS, MS, M.Phil Mcqs Questions and Answer

Punjab University announced the schedule of entry test for admission in BS, MS, M.Phil, and application forms are available on this page. NTS GAT test will be conducted for admission in the BS, MS, M.Phil program at Punjab University. If you want to admission in Punjab University which requires the NTS GAT test so you must apply within due date.

NTS test registration form submission dates have been provided below. The last date of submission application is June 2025. Punjab universities that require the NTS GAT Test for admission in MS and Mphil assign the NTS to arrange the GAT Test for their admission according to the NTS Testing Criteria. NTS test is necessary for MS, M.Phil. candidates who want to get admission to Punjab university also apply for the NTS test.

PU NTS Entry Test 2025 Preparations for BS, MS, M.Phil Mcqs Questions and Answer

PU Entry Test 2025 Preparation Questions and Answer

The main problem with the NTS GAT test its syllabus but we solve this problem. We are providing all the information on the syllabus of NTS and also facilities for online testing. It is very helpful to you. If you will attempt these online tests then you will be able to clear the entrance test. Punjab University admission test related Mcqs. Here we are providing online service without any charges. Our service is very helpful in your test. It is your duty that you fill the application carefully because an incomplete application form will not be considered.

We provided the NTS GAT test eligibility criteria below you can check you are eligible or not. We are providing the online testing facility. Only Punjab university conduct entry test for the admissions of Master programs in the above given courses for the year 2025. No any private or semi-private institute is allowed to conduct entry test on behalf of the Punjab university.

The candidates who wanna get admission in 18 year education (after 16 year education) should qualify GAT-General test conducted by NTS and it is must to get 50% marks or above to become eligible for admission in Punjab university and candidates who wanna apply for Ph.D must have qualified subject GRX as per HEC requisite.

You Can Learn and Gain more Knowledge through our Online Quiz and Testing system Just Search your desired Preparation subject at Gotest.

Maan Ali

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