NTS AEO/SSE Assistant Education Officer Jobs Test 2025 Online Preparation Mcqs

The School Education Department of Punjab province is making fresh recruitment at the positions of Assistant Education Officers (AEOs)/ SSE for which application from all the suitable individuals holding domicile of any Punjab district have been invited. According to the officially announced schedule, the last date of submitting the application form for these vacancies is 2025 -2025 while the written exam date for them will be announced later. Both the registration and written test conduction procedures will be handled by the National Testing Service (NTS) and below we have discussed the complete step by step guide through which you can clear the whole procedure starting from registration to the final selection with ease.

Before moving towards the registration procedure, all the interested individuals should take a look at the following basic eligibility criteria and must only submit their applications for the Punjab Educators AEO’s jobs 2025 if they fulfill all these requirements.

  • The age limit for applicants is between 20 to 30 years.
  • For academic qualification, minimum 2nd division is required in Master degree in any one of the subjects of Mathematics, Zoology, Physics, English, Chemistry, Botany or BSc Agriculture.

Individuals meeting this criteria can easily download the application form online available over the official website of the National Testing Service (NTS). The candidate must submit the duly filled form in addition to all required documents at the NTS Headquarter, Islamabad via courier till 2025. Do keep in mind that no late or incomplete forms will be considered so make sure that you enter all the required information in the form and it reaches the authorized department till announced due date.

With the registrations being completed, the NTS will announce details of further selection procedure in which the first step is the conduction of written test. The NTS AEO/SSE Assistant Educators Officer jobs test 2025 will take place according to the announced schedule and would be compulsory for all candidates to appear in and also pass it will minimum 60% marks.

There is no relaxation what so ever related to the Punjab Educators AEO’s jobs 2025-18 written NTS Test and any applicant failing to appear in the test or pass it with minimum required marks would be eliminated from taking part in the further selection process immediately.

Passing the Assistant Education Officers jobs written NTS Test is not an easy task at all as it consists of mcq’s questions related to multiple fields. As there is no specific syllabus available for the test, so most candidates get confused about what and how to complete their preparations for it.

To solve this issue, we have compiled the free online quizzes over this page through which the complete Punjab Education Department AEO/SSE jobs 2025-18 NTS Test preparation can be done with ease. These tests have been designed right according to the pattern of the actual exam that will enable you to complete preparation within a short time period and in the best possible manner.

Once you have appeared in the written test, do keep visiting us back on regular basis as the complete result in addition to the list of candidates for final selection interviews will also be updated over here immediately after their release by the official authority.

You Can Learn and Gain more Knowledge through our Online Quiz and Testing system Just Search your desired Preparation subject at Gotest.

Maan Ali

Hey there! I'm Maan Ali, your online test prep pal. Join me in the adventure of acing exams with ease. I'll share tricks, practice tests, and all you need to rock your studies. Let's make learning fun and success a sure thing!

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  1. My education is Doctor of physical therapy…..am i eligible for AEO job???? kindly guide me…

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