Latest Punjab Educators 74000 Jobs 2025 Recruitment Policy Download

We are Pleased to inform the literate unemployed youth that currently, there are 74,000 plus vacancies in the Education Primary Elementary and Secondary Department for Arts and Science subjects being announced very soon. Both male and female candidates are encouraged to apply against such jobs.Passing marks shall be 50% as per recruitment policy.The test shall be conducted through renowned testing agency as well.So as soon as the Punjab Educators Association reveals more of the information we will soon upload it here.Summary and proposal has been sent to higher education authority through each district education authority to fulfill the vacant seats as well.We would recommend you keep visiting our page so that updated information could be obtained by you.And as soon we upload further information on Educators Jobs so you will immediately be notified regarding Punjab Educators Jobs respectively.

Educators Jobs 2025

According to reliable sources 74000 NTS Educators Jobs are going to announce in month of October / November.These all jobs are for the Elementary wing ( 14,15 &16) BPS Scale. NTS will publish the advertisement for this upcoming jobs after September.
There is one more big announcement is that Those who have the degree in the third division can’t apply. 90% seats for this recruitment program for Arts. Previous policies will not be followed in this recruitment program. Policies will be totally changed. B. Ed marks will increase as well. Candidates must have bachelor degree masters degree and Commerce,
Engineering & Agriculture applicants will be eligible a s well.

Number of Vacancies:

  • 74,000 Jobs for Educators

Age Limit for Female:

  • 20 to 30 Year + 8 Year = 38 Year age limit for female.

Age limit for Male:

  • 20 to 30 year + 5 year = 35 Year age limit for Male.

Above mentioned educator jobs shall be for each district of the Punjab according to the prescribed requirement of concerned education department as well.After conduction of test interviews shall be taken in each district of the Punjab against the vacant seats in a very transparent manner as well.Candidates with high academia and Test score shall be proffered by the education department.No experience shall be matter only your test score and academic marks percentages will be considered as well.The marks of Professional degrees like B.ed and M.ed will carry heavy weight age also.So its highly recommended to you that you people must be prepared for the written test so that remarkable score could be taken respectively.

You Can Learn and Gain more Knowledge through our Online Quiz and Testing system Just Search your desired Preparation subject at Gotest.

Maan Ali

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