How to Join Pakistan Army for Female and Women

[Important Note]

Pakistan Army announces Jobs for the Female candidates every year. Most of the Female candidates who are interested to join Pak Army Apply for the these jobs. There is a large number of females who are searching How to Join Pakistan Army for Female and Women. Here on this page we provide you the complete guideline for How to Join Pakistan Army for Female and Women and also help you to prepare for the test. Pak Army written Test Preparation is most important so all the interested female candidates should attempt these test to clear the Pak Army Recruitment Exam. For Latest Pak Army Jobs keep visiting this site.

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There is a shinning career opportunities for females in Pakistan Army. Women can serve in Pak Army in a different perspective because there are many jobs for women in Pakistan armed forces. Excellent career opportunities in Pakistan Army are offered to the talented youth in different fields. A huge number of students apply for Pak army.

There is an organize system of promotion and increment.  Officers are promoted through a standard procedure of rules and regulation. Females can make bright career in Pakistan Army. Upon successful completion of all the tests and interview a female candidate can get many facilities. They are given training at armed academies.

They can get such an environment where they groom themselves professionally, morally, educationally, mentally and physically. Personality traits of individuals are developed which result in proficient armed Officers equipped with the highest ideals of loyalty, honor, courage and dedication. Free Messing, Accommodation and Uniform will be provided during training. You should join Pak army because it is not only a profession but a way of life.

Here I will mention that females can join Pak army through which ways. In any of the mentioned programs, first of all females should see advertisements in the newspaper. Then they should apply online with full concentration. First you have to fill the personal date form and academic certificates records.

Then a short pin code will be given you have to note down that very carefully because every time you login to your account you have to give pin code in order to view your profile. Next option is that you can also register your name at the selection center of Pak Army.

Then the rest of the procedure is same in which you have to appear in tests and after final selection you will be given training at Army academy. Here is given below the options available for females in Pak Army. Let’s have a look.

How to Join Pakistan Army for Female and Women
How to Join Pakistan Army for Female and Women

Girls join Pak Army through Regular Commission in Armed Forces Nursing Service (BSc Nursing):

Type of Commission:AFNS – BSc Nursing

Age: 17-25 years

Qualification: Matric with Science – 60% Marks Minimum, F.Sc (Pre-medical) – 50% Marks Minimum

Marital Status: Female unmarried / widow / separated divorcee without encumbrances.

Training period: 4 years BSc Nursing Training at AFPGMI Rawalpindi. After successful completion of training, shall be granted Commission in the rank of Lieutenant.

Girls join Pak Army as Captain/Major through Short Service Regular Commission:

Category: General Duty Medical Officers (GDMOs) as Captains (Male/Female)

Qualification: MBBS or equivalent qualifications recognized by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PM&DC).

Age: 28 years- relax able up to 35 years

Marital Status: Male/Female married/unmarried

Training period at PMA/AFPGMI: 22 weeks training at PMA and AFPGMI for male and female candidates respectively.

Category:  Classified Specialists (Specs) as Major

  • Anesthesiology (HPG) (Male/Female)
  • Pathology (HPG) (Male/Female)
  • Radiology (HPG) (Male/Female)
  • Basic Medicine Sciences (Male/Female)
  • Gynecology (HPG) (Female)

Qualification: MBBS with higher postgraduate qualifications i.e. MRCOG, FCPS (Pak), FRCS, MS American Boards/ Certificate or equivalent in respective fields of specialties.

Age: 32 years relax able up to 40 years

Marital Status: Female/Male

Training Period at PMA/AFGMI:  22 weeks training will be given at PMA and AFPGMI for male and female candidates respectively.

Rank: Lower Postgraduate (MCPS, various Diplomas) qualified candidates shall be granted rank of Captain.

Type of Commission: AFNS-General Nursing

Qualification: Matric with Science – 55% Marks Minimum F.Sc (Pre-medical) – 50% Marks Minimum

Age: 17 to 25 years

Marital Status: Female unmarried / widow / separated divorcee without encumbrances.

Training Period: 3 years Training of General Nursing will be given at various Combined Military Hospitals (CMHs). After successful completion of training, shall be granted Commission in the rank of Lieutenant.

Girls join Pak Army as Captain through Direct Short Service Commission:

  Category of Selection Qualification Age
1 Corps of Engineers (Engrs) Female BE in following disciplines:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Town Planning Engineering
28 years
2 Corps of Signals (Sigs) Female BSc Engg (4 Years Programme) in following disciplines:-

  • Telecommunication Engineering.
  • Software Engineering / Information Technology.
  • Information Security
28 years
3 Corps of Ordnance (Ord) Female
  • MBA Supply Chain Management
  • MBA Finance
  • BE Textile Engineering
28 years
4 Army Services Corps (ASC) Female
  • MBA Supply Chain Management
  • MBA Finance
  • BSc(Hons) Food Sciences and Nutrition
28 years
5 Corps of Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (EME) Female BE in following discipline:-

  • Electrical
  • Mechanical
  • Computer Hardware
  • Mechatronics
28 years
6 Information & Computer Technology Officers (ICTO) Female
  • BSc Engineering / B.E (Telecommunication/ Computer Software / Computer System)
  • BCS 4 Years
28 years

 Marital Status: Unmarried

Training Period at PMA: 6 Months

Nationality: Pakistani

Selection Process:

Registration can be done through internet or AS&RCS

Written/Intelligence/ISSB/Physical Tests are conducted for final selection

Further Selection: The recommended candidate will be called for interview

Training will be given at PMA for the period of 6 months

Bond: Selected candidates will sign a bond after training

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  1. Assalaam o alaikum Sir
    I am Anam Waris My age is 18 years I have passed matrix in science with 842 marks And now I am doing Masters in Arabic and islamiyat My father was a driver in army And I was also want to join army I felt very proud to serve my nation and country I shall be very thankful to you sir if you permit me
    Thanks a lot

  2. Assalaam o alaikum Sir
    I am Anam Waris My age is 18 years I have passed matrix in science with 842 marks And now I am doing Masters in Arabic and islamiyat My father was a driver in army And I was also want to join army I felt very proud to serve my nation and country I shall be very thankful to you sir

  3. Asallamu allikum sir kysy hy ap insallah khyriat sy hon gy sir myra name khadija hy matric marks :530 sir my zeyada nhi bolun ge bas itna bolna cahti hun mujhy sirf sooq nhi hy army join krny ka mujhy janoon hy jhan bhe hamri army kahri hoti hy to ak fakar sa mehsoos hota hy us vaqat dill my bas yahe khavish hoti hy ky allah pak ak din zroor mujhy voh din dekhy ga jab my apni army vallo ky sath khri ho kr larun ge sir dunya my insan ke entry jyse bhe ho lykin uska return best hona cahhyh sir my cahti hun myra return شہید ban kr ho its my first and last wish or mujhy pura yaqeen hy aj nhi to kal allah pak mujhy yeh din zroor naseeb kary ga jab my bhe pak army ke uniform my hun ge insallah

  4. Sir ma army ma ana chati hun many b.a keiya hai please mara bot shok hai army ma jany ka sir plese Allah ka name hai please mujy ak dafa jany day please ma married hun but mujy army ma jana hai please

  5. Assalam o alaikum sir I m Razia ali.i have done matric with A grade. Fsc in pre engineering,bsc(math,stat ,phy)and b.ed my msc in oak study last semester is left .my age is 31my height is 5.4 and I m married also.kindly tell me can I apply in pak army plz.

  6. Asalm alakum I am saima javed i am staff nurse i have experience in emergency for one year and I want to be a Pak army for nurse staff and how I applied

  7. AOA If a female has done BS chemistry and wants to join the army. what are the criteria as LLC-20 is not entertaining BS Chemistry students?

  8. Aoa,sir i have done my fsc i got 77% marks i have strong feelings for pak army . how can i apply . now im in gcu lhr university for BS.hons in biotechnology .but i have really desire for pak army plz guide me .

  9. Hello sir
    M married n wanted to join the pak army …
    Is there any possibility for married girls to join ??

  10. Aslam-o-alaikum, hope you’re doing great, I’ve done my FSc in medical and I want to join ISSB, can you give me information and guide me?
    Thank you.

  11. Mera name Asia ha or ma BS Botany kr rahi hon ma graduation ky baad army join kr sakti hon kia as a leutinant or 2nd leutinant or captain infantry me teaching ky ilawa koi or post ha kia jis me ma a sakti hon army me please answer de den please

  12. ASSAM O ALAIKUM! I’m shanza babar, i did FSC engineering and now im doing bachelors in computer science. i want to join pak army, can u please guide me, how can i join pak army

  13. Sir iam warda.My age is 18 years.I have passed fsc primedial in 572 marks .and matric in science with 663 marks.My fatrher was soldier at pak army.And now he is retirod.And i also want to join apk army.I love my countery and i like pak army so much.I felt verry proud on my self as i will serve my nation.sir plz give me a chance to join pak army plzzzzzzzzzz sir.I shall be very thank full to you.

  14. Assalm o alaikum…
    I am Zarlish. My qualification is masters in URDU. And I want to join PAK ARMY. Please let me join, I promisse, I will do my work with heart.

    1. Salaam I want jo join PAK army. I have passed matric with 1016 out of 1100. As papers of inter part 1 are cancelled but I need your guidance to join issb. Can u help me? If you then I will be very thankfull to you.

  15. Salam sir m NY matric kiya h but arts m mjy army job bot pasnd h sir how can I join army plzzzz sir I request plx tell me I’m waiting for your ans

  16. Salm mjy armi ma any ka both shok hy sr ma ak garib khandan say talok rakte hun Mary Abu ka sapna hy ma armi ma jaon ma blochisatn say hun mana abi martc ki. Hy 2017 ma sr

  17. Aoa sir now I’m in matrices or ma matric bio science ma Kar rahi
    Hoon so place ap Mujha guide Karan ka is ma koon sa college ma addmisition loon or Kia subject loon so place guaid me place i live in Rawal pindi ???

  18. Asslam o alikum sir my name is aqsa.
    I want to join the pak army.
    Please sir guid me.
    I have done 2nd year now.
    How can i apply.??

  19. A.O.A sir,my name is maliha Zafar ,I m 17 year old ,Ma na abi matirc ka exam dya han ,computer arts,plzz reply how can army .thnx

  20. Aslam-oAlaikum iam in medical field so can i join the army as a major or captain not as doctor??

  21. Aalam o alaikum sir ma NY FA psychology kr this mujy army join krni ha plz btae ma ksy kro I love army mujy garort h plzzzzzzzz help me

  22. asslam o alikum my name is humaira rao i have done my msc in finance now i wloud like army and join it plz help me how to be join it

  23. salam sir mn matric kr rhe hun in arts soo plz mjy bta skty hy k how can i join army plzz sir i request u…. waiting for ur reply

  24. Hii.. I want to join dre any eligiblity criteria for married women. . I hve dne my MPhil in computer engineering

  25. Sir my name is manahil and I want to join pak army I wanT to serve my life to my country.. I am 15 yearS old and doIng sSc with bio.. and thIs mOnth I will complete my ssc.. sir plz guide me that how cAn I join pak arMy..

  26. Asalam u alikum sir my name is javairia.. I want to be a parr of pak army… How can i apply pak army plzz tell me…. I have done matric wid 60%+… Now in fsc pre engineering2nd… My hieght is 5. 8… Plzzzzzzz guide me… How can i apply???

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