FAST-NU Entry Test 2025 Schedule Dates Time Registration Forms Procedure Online Apply Eligibility Requirements Test Centers

Important Note:

Fast National University of computer and emerging sciences (NUCES) has announced the admissions 2025-2025 for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs in all campuses. All candidates can apply now to get admission in fast NUCES. Fast national university announce the admissions for all campuses at the same time in which fast nu Lahore campus, fast NUCES Islamabad campus, Fast NU Chiniot campus, Fast university Karachi and Fast NUCES Peshawar. FAST National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (FAST-NU) is the best university of Pakistan. Fast School of Engineering invites applications from the eligible candidates to apply for the following engineering undergraduate programs offered by Fast NU. The programs offered are as follows:

  • BSc Electrical Engineering
  • BSc Civil Engineering

Undergraduate Eligibility Criteria:

Those who have taken the HSSC or an equivalent examination and are awaiting result are also eligible to apply. The four-year undergraduate programs of full time study are divided into eight semesters.

  1. BS(Civil Engineering/Electrical Engineering)
    • Eligibility
      • – At least 60% marks in Matriculation or an equivalent examination AND
      • – At least 60% marks in HSSC (Pre-Engineering) or an equivalent examination.
    • Selection Criteria
      • Selection on the basis of NTS-NAT Marks
      • – Those who have taken NAT-IE examination can apply for admission to the BS(Civil/Electrical) Engineering.
      • – Cut-off marks to be determined by the Admission Committee of the University.
      • Selection on the basis of NU Admission Test
      • – Merit is determined by assigning 30% weight to marks obtained in Intermediate (part-I) (or an equivalent exam).
      • – For those whose Intermediate results are not available, their Matriculation marks are considered.
      • – Marks obtained in the NU Online Admission Test are assigned the remaining 70% weight.
      • Selection on the basis of SAT score
      • – Combined score of 1,500 or more in the SAT-I examination AND
      • – At least 550 in the SAT-II (Math Level IIC) examination.

FAST-NU Entry Test 2025 Schedule Dates Time Registration Forms Procedure Online Apply Eligibility Requirements Test Centers

Fast Admissions open 2025

NU Online Admission Test:

The online admission test is taken on a computer. The candidate should be familiar with the use of mouse and the keyboard. Each candidate is given a different examination. The sections of a test (English, Analytical skills, Math etc) appear in a random sequence. Moreover, questions related to different topics also appear before the candidate in a random sequence.

In each section, a candidate can move forward and backwards to review the responses selected. Each section of the admission test has a fixed duration. Each section is timed independently and time saved in one section is not carried forward to the next sections.

At the end of the test, a summary of the results is displayed on screen. The duration of the Online Admission Test is between two and three hours. The Admission Test is held at all campuses of the University (Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and Peshawar).

Exemption from admission test:

Those who have taken SAT/GRE exam and have earned scores equivalent to or exceeding the minimum prescribed score on website/prospectus are exempted from the admission test.

Registration Forms Online Registration Guide :

You can apply online for admission by logging to or and follow the instructions.

There is online application system in FAST, The online system assigns a unique Application Reference Number (ARN) to each applicant, which must be noted for later use. Application processing fee of Rs 1,000/- must be paid. This fee includes admission test fee for taking one test. Visit the campus for verification of documents, admission eligibility and confirmation of test schedule. You should bring on the following documents with you:

  • All original academic certificates
  • Roll no. slip of intermediate part 2 or statement of entry for A level examination in case result is awaited.
  • O/A level equivalence certificates
  • CNIC/Form B
  • A recent photograph
  • Rs. 1000 for admission test and application processing fee

Application Deadline:-

Application submission shall be from 13th June to 07, July 2025.

Admission  Test Date:- 

Admission Test are going to start from July 12, 2025.

On verification, an admit card containing test date and time will be issued


FAST-NU Islamabad campus

A.K. Brohi Road, H-11/4
Tel: 111 128 128 or (051) 831 4100-29
Fax: (051) 410 0619

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Maan Ali

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  1. Aslamulikum I’ve missed first entry test,when will you take 2nd entry test.please inform me so that I can be well prepared to take 2nd entry test

  2. Am also applying to fast universitybut a problem are there kpk bord peshawer board exam of 12nd year are in July so plz the test are after exam ok sir

  3. Sir mujhy apni fsc-1 ki marks ka nahi pata or marksheet board office sy mile gi principal k pas b nahi hai koi website ya tareqqa bata dy marks find krny ka I’m from Sindh and my board is sukkur please help me

  4. Sir. Mery fsc part one me 71% marks ha. Or 2nd year ky result ka wait kr rha ho .kea me ab fast me admission ky ly apply kr skta ho ??????

  5. Please tell me about the information of city prefrences i select only one city as per test but i want to secure my admission and apply to all campuses of fast please tell me as soon as possible the procedure of that.???

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