How to join FIA in Pakistan as Officer Agent Jobs
Federal government has announced the latest FIA as Officer Agent Jobs 2025 in Federal Investigation AgencyIf you want to start career in Pakistan best forces positions then we suggest you to Join FIA as Officer Agent Jobs Complete procedure how to Join FIA as Officer Agent Jobs as career Federal Investigation Agency along with requirements apply online last date and written test pattern syllabus interviews schedule mentioned.
If you want to join the FIA Federal Investigation Agency so you must keep stay with us on this page because we will update the FIA jobs when it will be announced by the Officially Recently FIA Jobs are not announced but when career will be opens from the Official Source from the FIA department Pakistan, Actually FIA stands for Federal Investigation Agency.
How to Apply for join FIA as Officer Agent Jobs
- Reasonable and mindful candidates need to apply through the right site with this connection
- These empty positions are permissible at the age of 05 years.
- Only shortlisted candidates were required to take the test and meet.
- We won’t accept late applications or deficient applications.
- Test and meeting will not be permitted to receive TA/DA.
- You will not use the Counterfeit instructional archives.
- You can find more information in the Total Promotion carefully.
- Apply now before the closing date. The last date to apply for these positions will be 14 June 2021.
- The candidate should be able to testify in the archives.
- Applications made by hand will not be accepted.
- In the test centre, cell phones are not allowed.
- Take a look at the promotion and then apply.
Click Here To Join FIA as Officer AgentÂ
How to join FIA in Pakistan as Officer Agent Jobs
FIA as Officer Agent Jobs investigations
It is the agency which the must for the every country Because its deals Investigation of Crimes related to intellectual Property Rights. So here below we mentioned that what type deals and crimes which are related investigation included.
- Immigration Control, Smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons (Emigration Ordinance, P & CHTO)
- Identity Fraud (Passport Act, NADRA Ordinance)
- National Security (Official Secret Act, Anti National Activity Act, Anti Terrorism Act, Arms Ordinance, Explosive Substance Act)
- Fiscal and Business related Offenses (Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, Import & Export (Control) Act)
- Forgery and Fraud (Criminal breach of trust, misappropriation, cheating, currency counterfeiting etc. under PPC)
- Spurious Drug (Drugs Act)
- Banking crime
- Corporate crime
- State Bank related crime
- IPR (Violations of Copy Right Ordinance)
- Cyber Crime ( Prevention of Electronic Crime Ordinance & Electronic Transaction Ordinance)
- Money Laundering fit Terrorist Financing (ATA)
It was established under FIA Act, 1974 (Act-VIII of 1975) promulgated in March. FIA was established with objective to deal with Smuggling, Narcotics, Currency offenses, Enforcement of Laws relating to Foreigners, Immigration & Passports and offenses having inter-provincial ramifications.
Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) was the established in the month of January 1975 through FIA Act, 1974 for investigation of Scheduled offenses, committed. Because of the Corrupt Govt Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has turned onto the for controlling the country like the National Accountancy Bureau. We are providing you information about career in FIA.
Eligibility Criteria
- They will not accept completed applications or those received after the deadline date.
- Candidates must present all documents at the interview. FIA reserves the right to cancel the entire recruitment process at any time.
- Stage without assigning any reason.
- Only shortlisted candidates are invited to the interview selection process.
- Interview/selection will not be permitted without TA/DA.
- Handwritten applications will not be accepted.
Vacant positions
Here below various Positions are mentioned that are the Top level positions in the FIA Career.
- NCB Interpol
- Deputy Director SIU
- Legal Branch
- S.O to DG/FIA
- Addl. DG Immigration
- Addl DG Crime
- Addl DG Admin
- Director SIG
- Director Punjab
- Director Sindh
- Director Islamabad
- Director KPK
- Director Baluchistan
For the Further Details regarding the How to join FIAÂ in Pakistan as Officer Agent Jobs as Career Federal Investigation Agency you must keep stay with us here on this page and if you have any query regarding it so you must comment us we will try to help you out other wise we are providing you official source link (FIA Official).
1: How can I become an FIA officer?
Click below to apply online for FIA. Or visit FIA’s site at Do not send handwritten FIA applications.
You don’t need to send a hard copy of the FIA online application.
2: What is the best way to join FIA once I have graduated?
For police officers, the minimum education requirement is matriculation with a degree or higher. To be eligible for a job in the Police Department, you will need to pass written and physical tests. Then, you will need to pass a medical examination. Recruiters will interview candidates who pass.
3: How do I get a job at FIA Pakistan?
Download the FIA Jobs Application Form (PDF) from the official website of FIA., or at Online applications are only accepted for the selection process.
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I want to join FIA pls tell me how can is possible?
I want to join this because i want know a lot of thing
I wana in work in FIA
How many Study required for become.e a Fia officer
Excellent I love FIA
Salam sir g how are you I am Haroon khan and I read in fac I want to join fia what shouldido to join this agency thanks plz contact me on this number 03089397591.
How i can join FIA plz tel me
hey Hello Can i get some information about
i would love to join FIA Pakistan
I want to join fia
Alsalam o alaikum. I love my pakistan. I proud to be Pakistani and want do some for Pakistan and die for pakistan.
Agar main wapis na loaton to keh Dena un sy maa.
Hum ny apna aaj un k Kal pr qurban kr dia.
I want to join FIA 03152685812
Salam Sir. I am A Saud Khan and I love Pakistan. And I Love All The Pakiatani Agencys. ISI and FIA the Bestast Agencys In The Pakistan And The Hol Wold. My life Wish i am the Part or these Agencys. Plez Take me I am The Best For Porson In FIA Plez Give me a Chance.
Salam Sir. I am A Saud Khan and I love Pakistan. And I Love All The Pakiatani Agencys. ISI and FIA the Bestast Agencys In The Pakistan And The Hol Wold. My life Wish i am the Part or these Agencys. Plez Take me I am The Best For Porson In FIA Plez Give me a Chance
Send me those requirements which help me to become isi agent
i want to join also…………….
fia me konsa subjechona chaia intermedit me plz tell me
[email protected]
interemidet kis subject se hona chaia plz tell me
i want to join FIA and want to serve for my country (Pakistan) and please give all the requirements to my email address ([email protected]) i am waiting and please tell me how i join.
Sir I want to serve my life and skills for my beloved country Pakistan. But I don’t know that how to join the FIA. Please tell me about it
And provide the complete information about it.
[email protected]
In love my country..
And I want to become an agent of isi.
But I don’t no how.
Send me those requirements which is needed to become an isi agent.
On [email protected] or 00447846531325
In love my country..
And I want to become an agent of isi.
But I don’t no how.
Send me those requirements which is needed to become an isi agent.
On [email protected].
Brother has any one given you information
Salam, sir my intrest in Inteligence so i want to work in ISI Or FIA in future,I love my country so, I do something for it. I am a student of 1st year.Now, I want to internship In ISI Or FIA for some experience. I am not demanding salaries. I do job for experience that is helpful in future for me.I hope you under stand.Thank You Sir. My NO. 03224444087 My Name Huraira Malik
hi me also want to join FIA
Can u help me ??
Assalam alikum sir
Sir with all due respect
i am a lawyer by profesion and it is my dream to serve my life for my country pakistan
joining ISI or FIA is the AIM of my life but how this corrupt enviroment did not give me a chance to serve so kindly allow me to join
my contact number is === 03118898739
I want to serve my skills for my Beloved Pakistan and want to join FIA.
Assallam Ao Alikum,
To all my friends i want to join a isi.Sir plz contact me this n0:3333000000+490000+1400+33=
Sir, please give me ISI job…….. My dream is ISI job i like ISI job……. This my contract Number 03339399353 I am living in peshawar, KPK