How to Calculate Pension and Commute? | Pension Calculator Formula

Calculation of Your Retirement Pension and Commute Easily (Revised after Reduction)

If you’re checking how to calculate pension and commute, the process typically involves using the formula: “Last Pay Drawn x (Years of Service / 300) x Applicable Pension Factor” to calculate your pension. To determine your commutation amount, this is based on your age and a commutation table provided by your pension provider, which calculates a percentage of your gross pension. Essentially, a lump sum payment is exchanged for a reduced future pension payment when you commute your pension. This method ensures you understand how to calculate pension and commute effectively.

Calculation of Pension

It is very simple to calculate Pension and Commute. Employees have the option of calculating their pension and commuting themselves. The main factors in calculating pensions are basic pay and total service. Here is the formula for calculating pensions:

Gross Pension = Basic Pay x Service (Maximum 30 years) x 70/3000

Example 1: Ali (Age: 60)


  • Basic Pay: 5000 USD
  • Years of Service: 25 years

Gross Pension Calculation:
Gross Pension = 5000 x 25 x 70 / 3000
Gross Pension = 291.67 USD per month

Converted Gross Pension to PKR:
291.67 USD × 280 = 81,667.60 PKR per month

Commutation Calculation:
Assuming Ali can commute 40% of his gross pension.
Commuted Lump Sum = 40% of 81,667.60 PKR = 32,667.04 PKR

Example 2: Asad (Age: 70)


  • Basic Pay: 5000 USD
  • Years of Service: 30 years

Gross Pension Calculation:
Gross Pension = 5000 x 30 x 70 / 3000
Gross Pension = 350.00 USD per month

Converted Gross Pension to PKR:
350 USD × 280 = 98,000 PKR per month

Commutation Calculation:
Assuming Asad can commute 60% of his gross pension.
Commuted Lump Sum = 60% of 98,000 PKR = 58,800 PKR

How to Calculate Pension and Commute? | Pension Calculator Formula

What is Basic Pay

Basic Pay refers to the salary an employee receives before any allowances, bonuses, or additional payments are added. For the purpose of pension calculations, it is the amount that is used to determine the pension benefits.

Here’s how Basic Pay is typically calculated at the time of retirement:

  1. Usual Increment: If an employee retires on or after June 1st, a 1x usual increment is added to their basic pay. This ensures that the employee’s salary reflects the increment they would have received if they continued working for the full year.
  2. Personal Pay (PP): If the employee is receiving Personal Pay at the time of retirement, this amount is added to their basic pay for pension calculation. Personal Pay is often granted in special cases, like when an employee’s salary has been adjusted due to certain circumstances, but it is treated as part of their salary for pension purposes.
  3. Special Pay: If the employee is receiving Special Pay, which is an additional amount granted for specific tasks, responsibilities, or circumstances, it is also included in the basic pay for pension calculation. Special Pay can be given for reasons like additional duties, or higher qualifications, and it becomes a part of the retirement pay.


Let’s assume an employee is retiring with the following:

  • Basic Pay at retirement: 50,000 PKR
  • Usual Increment: 1x usual increment (5,000 PKR)
  • Personal Pay: 2,000 PKR
  • Special Pay: 3,000 PKR

Final Basic Pay for Pension Calculation = 50,000 PKR + 5,000 PKR + 2,000 PKR + 3,000 PKR = 60,000 PKR

Calculation of Commute

Commute = 35 % of Gross Pension x 12 x Age Rate

Example 1: Ali (Age: 60)


  • Gross Pension: 81,667.60 PKR (as calculated earlier)
  • Age Rate: 0.15 (since Ali is 60)

Commute Calculation:
Commute = 35% of 81,667.60 PKR x 12 x 0.15
Commute = 0.35 x 81,667.60 PKR x 12 x 0.15
Commute = 34,833.18 PKR x 0.15
Commute = 5,224.98 PKR

Example 2: Asad (Age: 70)


  • Gross Pension: 98,000 PKR (as calculated earlier)
  • Age Rate: 0.25 (since Asad is 70)

Commute Calculation:
Commute = 35% of 98,000 PKR x 12 x 0.25
Commute = 0.35 x 98,000 PKR x 12 x 0.25
Commute = 34,500 PKR x 0.25
Commute = 8,625 PKR

Age Rates

Age rates according to the Revised Pay Scale 2001 are as under:

Age Next Birthday No. of Years Purchased
20 40.5043
21 39.7341
22 38.9653
23 38.1974
24 37.4307
25 36.6651
26 35.9006
27 35.1372
28 34.3750
29 33.6143
30 32.8071
31 32.0974
32 31.3412
33 30.5869
34 29.8343
35 29.0841
36 28.3362
37 27.5908
38 26.8482
39 26.1009
40 25.3728
41 24.6406
42 23.9126
43 23.1840
44 22.4713
45 21.7592
46 21.0538
47 20.3555
48 19.6653
49 18.9841
50 18.3129
51 17.6526
52 17.0050
53 16.3710
54 15.7517
55 15.1478
56 14.5602
57 13.9888
58 13.4340
59 12.8953
60 12.3719
61 11.8632
62 11.3684
63 10.8872
64 10.4191
65 09.9639
66 09.5214
67 09.0914
68 08.6742
69 08.2697
70 07.8778
71 07.4983
72 07.1314
73 06.7766
74 06.4342
75 06.1039
76 05.7858
77 05.4797
78 05.1854
79 04.9030
80 04.6321

How to Calculate Pension In-Service Death (Family Pension)

Step Description Formula Example Calculation
Step 1 Calculate Gross Pension Gross Pension = Last Pay Drawn × 7/300 × Length of Service Example: Last Pay Drawn = 50,000 PKR, Length of Service = 30 years
Gross Pension = 50,000 × 7/300 × 30 = 350,000 PKR
Step 2 Calculate Gratuity Gratuity = Gross Pension × 1/4 × 12 × (Index from Commutation Table based on deceased’s age) Example: Gross Pension = 350,000 PKR, Age of Deceased = 60 years, Age Index = 0.15
Gratuity = 350,000 × 1/4 × 12 × 0.15 = 1,260,000 PKR
Step 3 Calculate Monthly Family Pension Monthly Family Pension = Gross Pension × 75% Example: Gross Pension = 350,000 PKR
Monthly Family Pension = 350,000 × 0.75 = 262,500 PKR
Additional Considerations Include admissible increases and medical allowances as applicable based on time and policy changes Add applicable increases and medical allowances to family pension calculation as per government rules Example: Monthly Family Pension (after increase) = 262,500 PKR + medical allowance + any applicable increase

How to Calculate the Pension of Retiring Person

Step Description Formula Example Calculation
Step 1 Calculate Gross Pension Gross Pension = Last Pay Drawn × 7/300 × Length of Service Example: Last Pay Drawn = 50,000 PKR, Length of Service = 30 years
Gross Pension = 50,000 × 7/300 × 30 = 350,000 PKR
Step 2 Calculate Commutation Commutation = 35% of Gross Pension × 12 × Index from Commutation (based on age at next birthday) Example: Gross Pension = 350,000 PKR, Age at Next Birthday = 60, Index = 0.15
Commutation = 35% × 350,000 × 12 × 0.15 = 1,260,000 PKR
Step 3 Calculate Monthly Pension Net Pension = 65% of Gross Pension Example: Gross Pension = 350,000 PKR
Net Pension = 350,000 × 0.65 = 227,500 PKR
Additional Considerations Include admissible increases and medical allowances over time Add applicable increases and medical allowances to monthly pension as per government policies Example: Monthly Pension (after increases) = 227,500 PKR + medical allowance + applicable increases as per policy

Pension Calculator to Calculate Pension & Commute Since 1978

  1. Input:
    • Basic Pay
    • Length of Service
    • Age
  2. Automatic Calculation:
    • The Gross Pension is calculated using the formula.
    • The Commuted Lump Sum is calculated based on 35% of the Gross Pension and the Age Index (according to the age category).
    • The Net Monthly Pension is calculated as 65% of Gross Pension.
    • Total Monthly Pension includes any applicable allowances and medical allowance.

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Simplified Formula for Use in Excel:

Gross_Pension = Basic_Pay * (7/300) * Service_Length
Commuted_Lump_Sum = (0.35 * Gross_Pension) * 12 * Age_Index
Net_Monthly_Pension = Gross_Pension * 0.65
Total_Monthly_Pension = Net_Monthly_Pension + Allowances + Medical_Allowance
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