PU Lahore Entry Test 2025 Registration Forms Schedule Time Test Centers
If you want to make future bright and historical marvelous then you have golden chance to join PU Lahore entry test 2025 through registration forms procedure schedule dates time online apply with eligibility requirements test centers complete information here at from. Punjab University is one of the oldest and reputable institutions of Punjab. It offers wide range of academic programs including Engineering programs. Located in the historical and culturally alive city of Lahore, this University has played a leading role in higher education in the country. Faculty of Engineering & Technology is producing outstanding engineers, with great moral values, who are contributing in a prosperous and technologically advanced Pakistan.
PU Lahore Admission 2025
Punjab University (PU) spokesman has informed that applicants who wish to be admitted into BSc engineering programs that PU offers should take part in the test for entry held by the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore. The deadline to sign up for the test is June 27 2025.
PU Entry Test 2025
In a statement to the press, the spokesperson said that PU provides Pakistan Engineering Council accredited regular and self-supporting engineering courses, such as BSc (Engg.) Chemical Engineering (with Specialisation in Petroleum & Gas Technology) and BSc (Engg.) Metallurgy & Materials Engineering and only regular engineering courses, such as BSc (Engg.) Electrical Engineering, BSc (Engg.) Industrial Engineering and Management and BSc Energy and Environmental Engineering.
Punjab University Entry Test Last Date 2025
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) group with Dr Muhammad Tufail visited the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore. A UET spokesperson explained that the reason for the PEC delegation’s tour was to examine the criteria for re-accreditation for nine BSc programs of the UET.
Punjab University Entry Test 2025 for BS
The delegation, accompanied by UET Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Syed Mansoor Sarwar, visited Mechanical Engineering, Architectural Engineering & Design, Transportation Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials, Petroleum and Gas, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics and Control Engineering departments.
PU Entry Test Schedule 2025
Tests for admissions are evidence of the fact that we do not trust our educational system. We’re not in favour of the entrance test, but we’re forced to inform you about the test dates for the entrance exam. We will continue to speak out against this absurd concept. If the quality of the marking papers and examinations is not the same across the various universities, who is accountable for this? While we have improved the exam system, our government have introduced the entry test system.
PU Lahore Entry Test 2025 Syllabus
Punjab universities are the top option for every student in the province, but it isn’t easy to gain admission into the prestigious University. Only those with excellent marks are eligible to apply to be admitted into this institution. As an old Pioneer and old Ravian, I still believe that my most memorable days in life were the ones I had at GC Lahore and Punjab University. Both are symbols of excellence in education throughout the region. If you would like to attend Punjab University, then start your exam preparation right now. The entrance exam is much simpler than regular tests. Most often, questions that are objective (MCQs) are included during entrance exams.
University of Punjab invites applications for admission in the following 4 year degree programs.
- BSc Chemical Engineering
- BSc Chemical Engineering with specialization in Petroleum and Gas Technology
- BSc Metallurgy and Material Engineering
- BSc Electrical Engineering
- BSc Industrial Engineering
Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidate must have domicile of Punjab
- Candidate must have passed FSc pre-Engineering with 60% marks. The candidate applying on the basis of A-level certification must submit both A level and O level Equivalence Certificates from the Inter Board Committee of Chairman IBCCC Islamabad
- Candidates with BSc with the following subjects: Physics, Mathematics A and B course, Chemistry, Statistics can also apply for admission
- Candidates with DAE in relevant fields can also apply for admission
PU Lahore Entry Test 2025 Registration Forms Schedule Time Test Centers
Entry Test 2025:
- Candidate applying for admission must have appeared in the combined pre-admission entry test conducted by the university of Engineering and Technology UET Lahore for the year 2025. The test is mandatory for admission and will carry 30% weightage for determining merit. ECAT test is conducted by UET Lahore every year for admission in all the public sector institutes of Punjab. It is a mandatory test for admission in engineering programs.
- The faculty of Engineering and Technology Punjab University will accept and consider the valid certified result card of combined Entry test issued by UET for the determination of academic merit for the above mentioned admission on FSc/BSc/DAE basis in regular morning program/self supporting evening program against open academic merit seats as well as categories of reserved seats accept for the nominees of Provincial government/Federal Government/GHQ and those reserved for foreign students.
- Entry test marks will carry 30% weightage and merit will be determined based on 70-30 formula for the said admission. Candidates not appearing in the entry test will be considered ineligible for admission. Form for overseas Pakistanis is available on PU website.
Registration Forms Online Registration Guide:
- Prospectus along with prescribed application form will be available on cash payment of Rs 500 from the admission cell at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology Quaid-e-Azam Campus. Admission form is not available on the internet.
- Prospectus may also be obtained through post by sending a postal order/Bank draft for Rs.475 drawn in favour of the Director, Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore 54590 along with the mailing address.
- Application on the prescribe form dully filled in and accompanied by requisite documents mentioned in the prospectus must reach by hand/post in the admission cell of faculty within given time.
Quaid-e-Azam Campus
P.O. Box No. 54590. Lahore, Pakistan.
Tel: 042-99231261
PU Lahore Entry Test Online Preparation
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Date kia hy entry test ki sir g
Please helpe
Bscs : entry test foam last date confirm please
Please give BS slip
Who’s universities last date bhind?
punjab uni k entry test ki last date kia hai…
i want to get admission in PU for M.phill plz tell me last date for apply.
Bba k liay apply krny ki last date hai ?
Punjab may software eng krwaty hn or pu ki entry test ki last date kya h or pu k entry test k form kaha se mily gay
sir g last date tu bta do apply krnay ki.. Bba ma.. With Thanks.
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Agar hum yet ka test day dein phir bhi Punjab uni ka test dena hoga
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